Miriam Gilbert is an ultra runner, writer, and adjunct professor from New Jersey.
She describes herself as an “ordinary runner” but, in my opinion, is anything but. Having ran eight 50 milers, three 100 milers, and a handful of 24 hour timed events, Miriam is an experienced ultra runner who has a lot of insights and wisdom to share.
On top of all that, ultra running quite literally saved her life. After a botched surgery and a major infection, her body’s extreme resilience built up by these brutal endurance events was key in recovering from this life-threatening condition.
This story is the main thread of the show this week. Miriam shares her many stories and insights into ultra running while highlighting how beating her body down actually made her much stronger.
I really enjoyed chatting with Miriam for this episode and learned so much about running timed events (which is the next big challenge in my own running journey).
Enjoy the show!!
Website: https://www.miriamdiazgilbert.com
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