Like a Bigfoot

Motivation, Mindset, Positivity, Endurance, Adventure, Perseverance, and Possibility

Month: September 2019

Like a Bigfoot Podcast #164: Thomas Mullins — Trust the Plan, Enduring the Tahoe 200

On this week’s episode we are chatting all about the epic Tahoe 200 mile endurance race with my friend Thomas Mullins!

I was recently asked to think about a person I look up to and have great respect for.  Instantly my answer was Thomas.  This is a guy who shows up, gets the work done, is incredibly driven to accomplish great things all while never forgetting the real important part of life, how we give to others and help them along the way.

Thomas and I met at Desert RATS 2018 and ran quite a bit of the course together.  As an ultra runner he has the most incredible focus and stoic nature.  He sticks to his plan throughout these long events while also displaying the adaptability needed to survive weather changes, severe heat and other things that could possibly go wrong.  I’ve learned more from him than anyone else in endurance sports and really look up to the guy!

Having recently finished the Tahoe 200, a Destination Trails race that circumnavigates Lake Tahoe, Thomas joins us to chat all about this incredible event!  Over the course of 205 miles, he persevered through a snowstorm, was attacked by bees, and experienced beautiful sunrises and sunsets over this beautiful wilderness.  In this episode we get to hear how he prepared for this race with no long runs over 4.5 hours, how he focused on showing up to the start line healthy, and what his strategy was for the race days.

My favorite part of the show was chatting about what he discovers about himself and what he is ultimately chasing by testing his limits.

I’m very impressed with him as a person and as an ultra runner and am so very excited to share this with you today!




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Like a Bigfoot Podcast #163: Phil Pinti 3 — Preparing for His First 100 Miler, “Right Fielder Challenge”

In this episode we are reconnecting with our friend Phil Pinti as he prepares for two big races- the Yeti 100 (his first 100 miler) and the inaugural Marine Corps Marathon 50k (which I’m flying out to run with him).

Phil is a few weeks ago from the Yeti 100, a hugely popular race in Virginia.  We chat about how he’s preparing, his expectations going into the race, and what strategies he is going to use in order to survive and endure all those miles.

As always when talking with Phil, our conversation meanders in and out of all sorts of topics.  Through this winding road, we stumbled upon the issue of our own cell phone use.  In short, we are exposing ourselves to way too much screen time.  Ultimately, this distraction is keeping us from connecting to the present moment, to being truly focused on what’s most important, acting in a conscious way versus a “zombie mode”.  Steering the ship rather than letting the winds blow us wherever.

We dubbed this challenge the “Right Fielder” challenge.  (Listen to the show to find out why!)  We are going to make an attempt at keeping our cell phone screen time to less than one hour a day, with an emphasis on limiting our social media time.

Feel free to join us!! We’re basically just texting each other screenshots of our “screen time” app.  I’m not really sure how we could turn this into a thing multiple people engage in so if you have any ideas email them to!  We’ll get this thing rolling!!

Thanks for chatting Phil! Always a great time!

Hope you guys enjoy the show!!



Like a Bigfoot #136:

Like a Bigfoot #150:

Like a Bigfoot #153:

East Coast Trail and Ultra Episode:


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Like a Bigfoot Podcast #162: Third Year Anniversary!! 10 Questions with Lindsey Ward

This week we are celebrating three years of the Like a Bigfoot Podcast!!

In September 2016 I was a stay at home dad with two of my kiddos, a 2 year old and a newborn.  I knew I needed some sort of creative outlet to work on each and every week (and an excuse to chat with grownups!), I had a handful of friends who had some incredible stories, and as a huge podcast fan I had always wanted to start one myself.

It was nerve wracking, there was a lot of self doubt, but I pulled the trigger and committed to posting one a week for a year and just see where it went from there.

Through consistent action and not striving for perfection but instead looking for improvement, the show has grew and all of a sudden I was not only interviewing my friends but I was talking with some incredible athletes and super awesome people.  People who I didn’t know were sending me messages about how much they enjoyed the show, I was going for runs with some of the folks I had previously interviewed, and the podcast was helping me grow as a person through these weekly conversations.

All of a sudden this fun passion project was engrained in my life.  And I am so thankful it is.

And I am so grateful for you guys for dropping in and listening or choosing a show of ours once in a while or tuning in to a friend who I’ve interviewed or binging every single one.  However you stumbled across this little passion project, I just wanted to say “thank you”, I hope you’ve received as much inspiration from our incredible Like a Bigfoot tribe as I have and I sincerely hope it’s added some sort of goodness to your life.

After all, shouldn’t spreading goodness be something we all strive for?

Much love



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Like a Bigfoot Podcast #161: Jacky Hunt-Broersma — Paving the Way for Trail Running Amputees, TransRockies Stage Race

This week we are chatting with the awesome North Carolina Ultrarunner Jacky Hunt-Broersma after her recent adventure taking on the TransRockies Stage Race.

In 2001 a cancerous tumor was discovered on a nerve in Jacky’s foot.  One week later she had her leg amputated.  A decade and a half later she decided to become a trail runner.  Now she’s paving the way for other amputees to get out onto the trails and enjoy this great sport!

She’s gone from non-runner to ultra-runner all while workshopping how to make blade work best on the trails.  As she’s increased in miles and difficult terrain (I’ve ran in North Carolina…that’s some rocky and rooty country!), she’s proven the people who have told her that she “shouldn’t trail run” wrong.  Now Jacky’s fresh off a 6 day stage race where she ran over mountain passes and competed at some serious altitude.

On this episode we chat about how ultra-running has shifted her mindset, what she finds by challenging herself over difficult terrain, and how she has combated her own self doubt along with the people who have told her “she shouldn’t”, “she can’t” or “she won’t be able to”, whom she has proven that she “should”, “can”, and “will.”

Jacky is awesome and super inspirational!! You will find a bunch of excellent takeaways in this episode!

Thanks for listening!!




Women’s Running Article:

Ultrarunning Magazine Article:


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