A conversation about the absurdity of a massive endeavor, the fear of the unknown, the wonderfulness of a community, the power of stories, the compounding effects of small acts of kindness, the adaptability of humanity, and the inevitability of a bad time….when you’re canoeing.
This has been a long freaking anxiety producing, world shifting week. Thank goodness we have friends. Those wonderful souls to talk things out with- the serious talks, the talks about nothing and everything in-between!
This is why I called up my buddy Paul Scheuring. Listening to wisdom from Paul has quickly become one of my favorite pastimes and I legitimately cherish every conversation we have!
Hope you guys gain some peace of mind, some positivity and some love from this episode!
Through this weird time that we are all going through, remember to act with kindness. Act from the goodness of your heart, help your community with the conviction of love, and, simply, be nice!
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