Like a Bigfoot

Race day is fast approaching for the Holiday Lake 50k.  One more week to go.  Training is essentially done and now all I have to do is sit here and TAPER.  This means that you run way way less than normal to rest your legs up for race day.  So my week looks like this:

  • Monday: Light weightlifting, 5 mile trail run, recovery yoga
  • Tuesday: Light weightlifting, 4 mile trail run, recovery yoga
  • Wednesay: Recovery yoga, go for a walk or play around on the slackline
  • Thursday: Gentle yoga, Eat a big bowl of spaghetti
  • Friday:  Rest the legs, light stretching, drive to Appomattox, eat sweet potato and avocado tortillas
  • Saturday: RACE DAY!!! Run 31 miles, eat a whole bunch of pizza and beer

In other words, I have a lot more time to hang out at home looking for something to do.  To help me during this complacency I like to use race week to reflect on quotes, videos, people, or anything that has recently brought inspiration to my life.

The BIGGEST source of inspiration for me recently has been the book “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson.

Speaking of obstacles, I recently read the book “The Obstacle is the Way” by Ryan Holiday.

It was a swift kick in the butt reminder that “Obstacles are EXPECTED and EMBRACED.”  Shits gonna happen in life, use it to propel you forward rather than hold you back.

And finally:

“You are always battling resistance.  ALWAYS.  And the definition of a warrior is someone who is willing to step up and face the resistance.  So many of us just surrender to it.”

Your internal resistance is the biggest thing standing between you and your dreams.  Your own voice may be the one holding you down the most.  Fight through that resistance and you can accomplish whatever is worthwhile to you.